Wednesday 18 November 2015

Vulcan Silver vs Antibiotics

What makes Vulcan Silver such a unique and unstoppable antibacterial and why is it relevant?
The World Health Organisation has called antibiotic resistance 'a major health problem' and it is a 'major threat to healthcare across the globe'. The US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that about 2 000 000 Americans are contracting some form or another of antibiotic resistant bacteria causing an estimated 23 000 deaths per annum. So what makes Vulcan Silver an ideal alternative and the only available broad spectrum treatment to drug resistant bacteria? The answer lies in its method of action.
Bacteria have a cell membrane and a cell wall where animal cells only have a membrane and no walls. Antibiotics in general attack that specific bacterial cell wall preventing synthesis of the cell wall so that it can neither divide or repair itself and the life cycle is halted. With time the bacteria mutate so as to change the cell wall making it impervious to antibiotics and it can continue its lifecycle.
Vulcan Silver on the other hand, through its unique formula specifically target and inhibit the transport of essential ions into the cell by blocking off its transport channels on the bacterial cell wall thus shutting down the flow of essential nutrients (Potassium or Calcium) to the bacterial cell.The cell dies. Animal (human) cells without a cell wall and different transport mechanisms, are essentially untouched.
Upon the death of the bacterial cell the attraction between the protein in the transport channel and the silver is ended and the silver may be released to repeat the cycle.

Thursday 30 April 2015

Never travel without Vulcan Silver

Is Vulcan Silver possibly the best water purifier in the world?
In this never before released internal document Vulcan Silver was tested against a sample of toxic drain water and the results were ground-breaking. When measuring drinking water purity the two most important factors determined by your local water supplier are the Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) and E-coli. HPC refers to the number of microorganisms present even if they are benign. And E-coli being the measure of faecal matter which is of greatest concern. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of America has said that optimal drinking water should have an HPC count of no more than 500(cfu/1ml) and be free of E-coli.

Vulcan Silver provided a 500ml sample toxic drain water to East Rand Water Company (ERWAT). This sample had an HPC count of about 21,000,000(cfu/1ml) of water, yes that is right - twenty one million and an E-coli reading of more than 24,000 (MPN/100ml) of water. Needless to say drinking this water would make you very sick and purifying it would be a challenge. Yet...after just 1ml of Vulcan Silver was added to the 500ml sample the HPC count dropped from 21,000,000 to just 170 and all traces of E-Coli were destroyed. This means that just 1ml of Vulcan Silver has the capacity to purify toxic drain water to the point that it is cleaner than almost any drinking water available anywhere in the world.

Although the cost factor would exclude Vulcan Silver from being used mainstream it remains a very attractive option for 1)Soldiers 2) Adventurers 3) Travellers. The bottle being only 50ml and weighing 160gms makes it great to travel with (you can carry it in hand luggage when flying) while it can purify up to 25litres of water and also double as a natural anti-biotic, anti viral, anti-parasitic and anti-fungal to protect your immune system in high risk areas. Add to this that it can be used to treat wounds and other topical infections and you should.....
Never travel without Vulcan Silver

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Vulcan Silver versus the FLU

I get asked regularly if Vulcan Silver is effective against the flu and the simple answer is YES! However, prevention is better than cure and I recommend that those who can should drink at least 1ml (20drops) in a small glass of water (50ml will be fine) and on an empty stomach as a prophylactic against day to day nasty's. In the five years that I have been drinking Vulcan Silver daily I have not taken a day off work due to illness including the flu. However should you feel the onset of flu i.e. sore or scratchy throat, runny nose etc. then start a regimen of 2.5ml (50 drops) three times a day on an empty stomach and continue for at least four days even when the symptoms abate. It is very important to catch the flu before it takes hold of your system otherwise recovery, even with Vulcan Silver, will take about seven days.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Never leave home without Vulcan Silver

On 4 Des 2014 I was working as the onsite doctor at scene. An accident happened and I was pricked with a needle. After getting consent from the patient an HIV test was done and the patient tested positive for HIV. I immediately took about 10ml Vulcan Silver. That was all I had at my disposal and ordered new stock. 
That night I started on Tribuss, one tablet a day. Day one: 5 Des 2014 2.5ml Vulcan Silver 3 x a day on an empty stomach. Tribuss at 20:30 I'm not feeling anything out of the ordinary except tired from a very long shift. Day two: 6 Des 2014 Woke up feeling nauseous. Took 2.5ml Vulcan Silver.  Had breakfast, feeling better. Took 2.5ml Vulcan Silver at 12pm. Experience mild stomach discomfort and some diarrhea. All known side effects of the Tribuss. During the course of the month I continued to feel terrible. I came to the conclusion that my stomach was not completely empty by the time I took the Tribuss and changed to eating earlier and taking the tablet later. Still no difference. I still experienced abdominal pain as well as feeling nauseous.  
I then decided to increase my dose of Vulcan Silver for a week. I took Vulcan Silver and directly after that I took my Tribuss.  I took 2.5ml Vulcan Silver 3 x a day. The very next day I did not experience abdominal pain and the nausea was also manageable.  By the third day I had none of the known side effects of Tribuss. No dizzy spells, no abdominal pain and no nausea. 
When taking Tribuss or any other ARV one of the main food groups you have to avoid is fatty food and red meat. After the second day of no side effects I was invited to a "braai". We had only red meat along with other fatty food. Not to be rude I ate and thought that I will definitely 'know' about this meal the next day. The next day, still no side effects. "Just lucky" I thought. But seeing that it was the festive season there were no shortages of invites to dinners and I ate way too much. (Does anyone know a good dietitian?). 
On Christmas day I did not take my Vulcan Silver as I forgot my bottle at home and did not want to open a new bottle before that one was finished and we were away from home for the whole day. I was awakened by excruciating abdominal pain and basically vomited the whole day. I could not even hold in water.   I then administered 2.5ml Vulcan Silver directly into my bloodstream via injection. Within 2 hours the pain subsided as well as the vomiting. The dizzy spells continued, although I suspected it to be the result of dehydration. I injected 2.5ml Vulcan Silver another 3 times before I was symptom free again. Needless to say I did not ever again neglect to take the Vulcan Silver. 
Today 5 January 2015 I got my blood results back and as expected there is no evidence of the HIV virus to be found. I will be going for my next test in 6 months time and I will then report back with that result as well. In the mean time I can definitely recommend Vulcan Silver not only to combat HIV but to relieve the side effects due to the ARV's. Please feel free to contact me with regards to Vulcan Silver on
Regards Dr. B. Van Rooyen