Thursday 16 October 2014

Post op infections and wound healing.

Email we received and just had to share (with permission of course):

I am a natural healer practicing in Kimberley northern Cape for 11 years. 2 weeks ago I was approached by a 19 year old girl. She and two of her friends went for breast implants. Two of the girls had healed completely except patient 017/09/14 (hereafter called The patient).

After examination of the patients breast I saw that th
e wound was not
healing well and puss was forming at an alarming rate. I cleaned the wounds regularly but it did not heal properly. Stitches had dissolved and the wound was infected. The patient already had used two sets of antibiotics and was developing symptoms of both vaginal and bladder infection.

I gave the Patient one bottle of Vulcan Silver and advised her to take 50 drops (2.5ml) 3 times a day until the bottle was finished.

Within 4 days the wound showed significant healing, no puss was detected. After 14 days both wounds were closed, no infection to either.

I also tested the patient's urine and found no protein or blood. The
patient's bladder and vaginal infection totally cleared up.

I would therefore recommend Vulcan Silver for both wound healing,
post-operation healing and also in effectively treating bladder and vaginal infections.

Dr. Linda van Rooyen
072 430 8899
072 430 8899


  1. Hi Dr would it work for psoriasis and how to use

    1. Yes, it does. You drink max dose of 2.5ml 3 times a day and also apply topically. Follow this link to a testimonial we have been given permission to share:
