Monday 6 May 2019

Vulcan Silver vs Rheumatoid Arthritis

My story:
I have a hereditary autoimmune disease called Rheumatoid Arthritis which started showing symptoms when I was just 28 years old. By the time I was 40 the pain in my joints was severe and I had some disfigurement on my fingers. It altered my life dramatically as I could not lift my arms above my shoulders, I could not make a fist and daily activities, not to mention sleeping, became a misery of pain. Using my product Vulcan Silver with myself as a Guinea pig I started taking chronic doses. The results have totally transformed my life. My pain was gone within a week and my mobility is exceptional. I now take Vulcan every morning and apart from being pain free for the last decade I have also been lucky enough to never need a sick day.
Yours in health,
Neil Oosterlaak